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August Reading Allowed Newsletter


Last Chance to Dive into our Summer Read-A-Thon!

Help us reach our Read-A-Thon goal of raising $5,000 by the end of this month! Your participation will enable us to increase access and availability of high-quality structured literacy tutoring regardless of financial circumstances. You can make a difference just by reading your favorite books. Need some reading suggestions? See “Dog Days” below
August is the perfect month to jump into reading adventures!
Our first-ever Read-A-Thon is open to children of all ages and adults too! Simply set a fundraising goal of your desire and get started by clicking on the blue button below. It’s easy!
Students commit to at least
15 minutes of daily reading. Families can set reading goals with their students and mark their Summer Reading Calendaeach day they read. Use the calendar to celebrate
reading success!
Students can create their own fundraising page to share with friends and family. It’s simple to collect donations online by clicking the “Create A Fundraiser” button below. Participants can track fundraising progress, post pics, and view sponsors.
We encourage families to post pictures of their students on Reading Allowed’s Padlet page, Facebook, and/or Instagram! Tag all posts with #WhereIsReadingAllowedReadingNow Favorites will be selected each week and shared!
Ameer Baraka – Details Coming Soon!
Ameer Baraka is an actor, author, and a very dedicated dyslexia advocate. He co-founded the Dyslexia Awareness Foundation, launched Dyslexia Diagnosis Day back in 2017 and continues to advocate for better screening to help dyslexic children He earned a 2019 Daytime Emmy nomination for his role as a detective in the Amazon Prime/UMC police drama, “Bronx SIU.”
We’re super excited to share a conversation with Ameer…..
Stay tuned for more details!
No bones about it—reading with a dog is a great idea!
Check out these five fabulous reasons to read to a dog (and/or other animals) by author, Kathy Perret of Don’t have a real dog? No worries, a stuffed animal also does the trick! Pets are very good listeners and non-judgmental! There’s just something magical about snuggling up with a great book and a loyal friend.
Is there such a thing as a real live talking dog?
How Stella Learned to Talk,” written by her owner, Christina Hunger. Stella types out sentences with Hunger, a 27-year-old speech therapist, and can tap 48 words and a variety of phrases. She has become an inspiration for dog lovers everywhere.
Here’s the top CaNINE.
Ha ha! Get it?
Here’s a cute list of the top nine children’s books about dogs. Fetch this link and you’re set! We stay SIT and STAY when it comes to reading two of our favorites on this list: Oh No, Goerge by Chris Haughton, and Ribsy by Beverly Cleary!
Don’t forget about our Great Bingo Reading Challenge!
Win a Wawa gift card by participating in Reading Allowed’s Great Summer Reading Bingo Challenge. Play until Labor Day! We’d love to see your efforts in action! Please upload pictures of your reading challenges all summer long to: All you have to do is email for a printed Bingo card or with questions.

Reading Allowed participates in the United Way’s Donor Choice Program. Our Donor Code is 55108
Ways you can make a difference —
Make a donation. Your gift of $100 will allow us to provide 2 hours of tutoring to an at-need student.
Engage with us on social media!


Have a thought, comment or idea about an upcoming newsletter? We want to hear about it! Please send us an email here! Your feedback matters!

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