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January Reading Allowed Newsletter

Reading Allowed believes that every struggling reader deserves the highest quality structured literacy instruction regardless of financial circumstances. Instruction is delivered by caring and compassionate tutors who have been rigorously trained and certified in the most cutting-edge, evidence-based reading instruction.

Reading Allowed (Virtual) Open House
Save the Date: Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30 pm
We hope you’ll join us to learn more about Reading Allowed, why we are needed now more than ever, and how we are growing.
Equity for Early Readers Virtual Summit – Free Registration!
Reading Allowed staff are looking forward to attending this free Equity for Early Readers Virtual Summit and to sharing what we learn. You can attend too…it’s free.
Equity for Early Readers is a free virtual summit for teachers, parents/ caretakers, and district and state education leaders focused on tools and resources for equity-focused, science-based reading instruction.
Reading Allowed Book Club!
Reading Allowed’s first book club will be on Saturday, March 6th at 10 am. We will be discussing, The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Catling. Please RSVP to
If you prefer to listen to the book, you can access it via Youtube, if you need help getting hold of the book, please let Cathy know.
We hope to see as many readers there as possible!
Here are ways you can help Reading Allowed
Make a donation. Your gift of $100 will allow us to provide 2 hours of tutoring to an at-need student.

Make a difference using Amazon. Shop at AmazonSmile to generate donations for Reading Allowed
Family Resource Corner
Reading Allowed is a partner organization to Philadelphia’s Readby4th initiative. Check out the Parent section on their website for some great resources:
 If I Get Stuck — A Guide for Parents from Tiny Steps Make Big Strides. Provides a growing library of free resources to help you on your way to providing a beautiful structured literacy environment in your home.
PHLConnectED: Connects K-12 student households to digital access with internet, laptops, and training.
Reading Allowed loves Reading Aloud!
There is nothing more special than getting cozy and reading a good book with a child and they’re never too old for it! It’s the perfect way to share your joy and love of reading and it’s a great way to develop fluency and comprehension skills. Please let us know if you’d like more book suggestions or ways to engage your student
For our K-2 readers:
The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming. A fun book that includes rhyme and song. If you know the 12 Days of Christmas song, then you can sing this book to your kids. If your singing isn’t great, they’ll love it even more!
Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. What do snowmen do at night? Read this book that tells about snowmen’s secret lives. 
Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution by Pat Miller. In this book, Squirrel can’t figure out what his resolution should be. But by helping others, he figures it out. This book is the perfect way to think about what your own resolutions might be.
Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester. Tacky likes to do splashy cannonballs and greet his friends with a loud, “What’s happening?” His fellow penguins find his odd behavior annoying. But when fearsome poachers come to the iceberg hunting for penguins, Tacky’s odd ways may be just the thing that saves the day. This book is great for teaching students to be themselves as well.
Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner (nonfiction) This simple book illustrates the life that you see above the ground in the winter time as well as all of the animals sleeping quietly under the snow. 
For our Upper Elementary readers:
Seven Spools of Thread: A Kwanzaa Story by Angela Shelf Medearis In an African village live seven brothers who make family life miserable with their constant fighting. When their father dies, he leaves an unusual will: by sundown, the brothers must make gold out of seven spools of thread. If they fail, they will be turned out as beggars. Using the Nguzo Saba, or “seven principles” of Kwanzaa, the author has created an unforgettable story that shows how family members can pull together, for their own good and the good of the entire community. 
Martin’s Big Words by Doreen Rappaport (nonfiction). This beautifully illustrated, award winning book shows how Martin used words to fight for equal rights for Black people. When Martin was growing up he saw the words, “Whites Only” all over town. But he remembered the words of his mother, “you are as good as anyone.”

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