For our K-2 readers:
The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming. A fun book that includes rhyme and song. If you know the 12 Days of Christmas song, then you can sing this book to your kids. If your singing isn’t great, they’ll love it even more!
Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. What do snowmen do at night? Read this book that tells about snowmen’s secret lives.
Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution by Pat Miller. In this book, Squirrel can’t figure out what his resolution should be. But by helping others, he figures it out. This book is the perfect way to think about what your own resolutions might be.
Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester. Tacky likes to do splashy cannonballs and greet his friends with a loud, “What’s happening?” His fellow penguins find his odd behavior annoying. But when fearsome poachers come to the iceberg hunting for penguins, Tacky’s odd ways may be just the thing that saves the day. This book is great for teaching students to be themselves as well.
Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner (nonfiction) This simple book illustrates the life that you see above the ground in the winter time as well as all of the animals sleeping quietly under the snow.