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June Book Club Announcement

Reading Allowed believes that every struggling reader deserves the highest quality structured literacy instruction regardless of financial circumstances. Instruction is delivered by caring and compassionate tutors who have been rigorously trained and certified in the most cutting-edge, evidence-based reading instruction.


Reading Allowed’s 2nd Book Club!

Reading Allowed’s first Book Club was a big success! We would love for you to join us for our 2nd “Breakfast with a Book” book discussion on Saturday, June 12th at 10:00.
Parents and siblings are welcome! RSVP to cathy@readingallowed.orgPlease include your child’s name and age, your contact information, and whether or not you will be participating as well.

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes. Dyamonde is one of the most optimistic characters in early chapter books! She has a single mom, lives in a small apartment and is starting a new school. Yet through it all she is a go-getter, a can-do girl. This is the first book in the series and as the new kid in school, Dyamonde sets out to make friends with the other newbie, despite his grouchy attitude. Don’t stop with this one, read the rest of the series, too! 

Most appropriate for Grades 1-4

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