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May Reading Allowed Newsletter

Reading Allowed In The News!

 Wilson Language recently featured Reading Allowed in their newsletter. Read how we began and our mission to foster literacy and justice—one student and one step at a time. 
Reading Allowed’s Great Summer Bingo Challenge and Reading Allowed’s Summer Read-A-Thon
Win a Wawa gift certificate by participating in Reading Allowed’s Great Summer Reading Bingo Challenge. Please email for a printed Bingo card or with questions.
Stay tuned for Reading Allowed’s, “Where is Reading Allowed Reading..” Summer Read-A-Thon — it’s going to be fun!


Reading Allowed’s 2nd Book Club!

Reading Allowed’s first Book Club was a big success! We would love for you to join us for our 2nd “Breakfast with a Book” discussion:
  • Saturday, June 12 at 10 am.
  • RSVP to
  • Please include your child’s name and age, your contact information, and whether or not you will be participating as well.
  • Parents and siblings are welcome!
If you prefer to listen to the book, you can access it via YouTube, if you need help getting hold of the book, please let Cathy know.

Family Resource Center

May is “Get Caught Reading Month!”
Help us celebrate by getting caught with your nose in a book and share your picture with our Reading Allowed community!
Picture books you will enjoy getting caught with:
Little Bot and Sparrow by Jake Parker. When Little Bot is thrown out with the garbage, he finds himself in a strange new world. Fortunately, Sparrow is there to take him under her wing. Together, they explore the forest, share adventures, and learn what it means to be forever friends.
Escargot by Dashka Slater. Bonjour! Escargot is a beautiful French snail who wants only two things: 1. To be your favorite animal. 2. To get to the delicious salad at the end of the book. But when he gets to the salad, he discovers that there’s a carrot in it. And Escargot hates carrots. But when he finally tries one—with a little help from you!—he discovers that it’s not so bad after all!
Chicks and Salsa by Aaron Reynolds. Tired of the same old food, the rooster leads the other animals of Nuthatcher Farm in making southwestern-themed dishes. They plan a fiesta, but then the farmer’s wife uses up the vegetables in her tamales, and the rooster has to re-group. Recipes included!
M.O.M. (Mom Operating Manual) by Doreen Cronin. Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a Mom. Here is a guide to operating a mom that offers advice on how to handle a mother with care, watch for signs of an impending blow-up, understand and meet a mom’s basic needs, and take care of a mom in the best way possible.
Mossy by Jan Brett. Mossy, a turtle with a garden growing on her shell, is taken from her home and new friend to become an exhibit in a museum, until the director’s niece, Tory, notices how sad Mossy is and helps arrange for her to go home.
Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn. Book-loving Lola is inspired by the garden poems that she reads with her mommy. She wants to plant her own garden of beautiful flowers, so she and Mommy go to the library to get books about gardening. They choose their flowers and buy their seeds. They dig and plant. And then they wait. Lola finds it hard to wait for her flowers to grow, but she spends the time creating her own flower book. Soon she has a garden full of sunflowers and invites all of her friends for cakes, punch, and a story among the flowers.
Chapter books you will enjoy getting caught with:
8 Class Pets+1 Squirrel + 1 Dog=Chaos by Vivian Vande Velde. School-yard squirrel Twitch scurries over sleeping dog Cuddles, precipitating a chaotic chase that leads inside an elementary school. As the pair race from room to room, pets (including a hamster, a talking parrot, and a school of neon tetras) are unleashed (thanks to a library rat) and join the pursuit. Finally a call to 9-1-1 and a visit from the principal bring about an end to the disorder.
Bernice Buttman, Model Citizen by Niki Lenz. Bernice. Buttman is tired of being labeled a ‘bully,’ so when her mom leaves her with her aunt, who is a nun, Bernice decides to mend her ways and become a model citizen.
Finn and the Intergalctic Lunchbox by Michael Buckley. Finn Foley has a lunchbox, and when he opens it, weird things come out . . . like a seven-foot-tall robot and a strange, blinking device that glues itself to his chest. The lunchbox also opens wormholes–shortcuts through space–that take Finn to the farthest corners of the galaxy. Sounds awesome, right? Not so much. Rocketing through the cosmos attracts the attention of the Plague, a race of gigantic bugs. The thing on Finn’s chest belongs to them–it’s the most dangerous weapon in the universe–and they want it back.
The Startup Squad by Brian Weisfeld. The sixth-graders have to fund their outing to Adventure Central by running lemonade stands, but Resa and her best friend, Didi, aren’t happy about their teacher-assigned group. Using the $20 they’ve been given, the diverse group must purchase supplies for two weekends and make a profit. With Resa at the helm, the group appears doomed their first day, unless the girls can find a way to cooperate and succeed.
Could you survive the Ice Age? An interactive prehistoric adventure (You Choose: Prehistoric Survival Series) by B. A. Hoena. 31 choices and 14 endings make this interactive choose your own adventure a full exploration of the Ice Age!
Reading Allowed participates in the United Way’s Donor Choice Program. Our Donor Code is 55108

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