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November 2023 Book Recommendations

 Read These Books and Catch the Attitude of Gratitude!

As autumn leaves blanket the ground and the air turns crisp, we embark on a journey of gratitude through the pages of heartwarming stories. This month, we’ve curated a selection of books that capture the spirit of the season and celebrate thankfulness. Join us as we explore these delightful stories that resonate with the magic of November.

Thank You, Omu! By Oge Mora (Grades PK to 2)  

Omu makes a stew so delicious that everyone in the neighborhood follows their noses to her door.  Her neighbors arrive for a taste one by one until all is gone except for Omu’s generous spirit.

Our Table by Peter H. Reynolds (Grades K to 3)  

Violet longs for the time when her family was connected: before life’s distractions, and technology pulled them all away from each other. They used to gather at the table to share food and love and to make memories, but now her family has been drifting apart, and with nobody to gather around it, the table is getting smaller and smaller. Can Violet get her family to gather around the table once more?

Grow Grateful by Sage Foster-Lasser (Grades K to 2)  

Kiko goes on a camping trip with her class and discovers different things she appreciates about her family, friends, and opportunities.

A Good Thing Happened Today by Michelle Figueroa (Grades K to 2)

A collection of happiness and hope inspired by real-life good news, this book reminds us that there are positive things happening every day and we can all be a part of it!

We Are Grateful : Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell.  Gr. K-2. The Cherokee people always express gratitude for the little things they are given by saying the phrase, “Otsaliheliga,” or “we are grateful.” The expression of gratitude is part of daily life and extends from elaborate celebrations to struggles to ordinary life moments.

How to Catch a Turkey (How To Catch…) by Adam Wallace. Gr. K-3. 
A turkey is running loose in a school right before the Thanksgiving play. Can YOU help catch it? Follow along as students turn their school upside down trying to catch the turkey (who is not, spoiler alert, eaten!).

The Great Thanksgiving Escape by Mark Fearing. Gr. K-3.
The perils of a family get-together told from a child’s point of view. While waiting for “turkey time,” Gavin’s parents tell him to play with the rest of the kids. Surrounded by drooling, stinky babies, he and his cousin Rhonda decide to make a break for it and head to the swing set in the backyard.

Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie : a Thanksgiving Celebration by Jack Bishop. Gr. K-3.
Peyton is particular when it comes to food. Peyton doesn’t like it when two foods touch on her plate. Peyton doesn’t like green foods. Or orange foods. Or red foods. Peyton doesn’t like foods that are gooey or gummy, sticky or slimy, frosted or flaky. And Peyton most definitely doesn’t like chunky or lumpy foods.  Peyton knows her parents wish she was less particular about what she eats, so she decides to try pie when family and friends gather for Thanksgiving dinner–but which one?

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