October Reading Allowed Newsletter

Sneak Peek of our Upcoming Ameer Baraka Talk
Reading Allowed would not be where it is without you. We are making a significant impact on the lives of many struggling readers in the Philadelphia area.
Please join our upcoming Book Clubs – they’re fun!
You all make Reading Allowed possible and we can’t thank you enough.
— Angela
Coming Soon!
We were so honored to interview Ameer Baraka recently and he could not have been more gracious.
Ameer is a daytime Emmy award winning actor and a tireless dyslexia advocate. His story reminds us why our work at Reading Allowed is so important.
Watch a Sneak Peek here!
Ameer Baraka Reading Allowed - Sneak Peak
Fall into Our Popular Book Club!
Now is the perfect time to commit to reading for at least 30 minutes each day! Our last three book club discussions were a huge success so we’re continuing the momentum throughout the year! Interested in participating in this free program? Parents are welcome too! Simply email cathy@readingallowed.org. In the body of your email, please include your child’s name and age, your contact information, and let us know if you will be participating as well. Here are the dates and times for future discussions! Be sure to read each book ahead of time! Don’t forget you can reserve these books at your public library! Don’t forget to set reminders on your calendar for virtual discussion dates indicated below.
Zoom Discussion:
Saturday, 11/6/21
10:00 a.m. EST
Jaden Toussant
The Greatest: Episode 1
The Quest for
Screen Time
by Marti Dumas
Zoom Discussion:
Saturday, 1/8/22
10:00 a.m. EST
Zapato Power:
Freddie Ramos
Takes off
by Jacqueline Jules
Zoom Discussion:
Saturday, 4/9/22
10:00 a.m. EST
The Worries:
Sohal Finds
a Friend
by Jion Sheibani

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Community Center at Visitation in Kensington. Reading Allowed tutors are working virtually and in person with their wonderful scholarship students! Community Center at Visitation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. They specialize in working together with their community in providing support and access to educational and social opportunities in addition to wellness programs and resources to promote a mentally and physically healthier population. We’ll share more soon.
Thanks for the Instagram Mention
Community Center at Visitation!
Reading Allowed – Out and About
Table Time at Treehouse Books
Last week, we were so honored to participate in Reading Promise Week – Philadelphia’s citywide family literacy festival that featured 45 events celebrating young readers. This photo (right) features Reading Allowed’s founder, Angela Marks, and Pennsylvania State Senator, Sharif Street.

Safe and Smiling at
Smith Playground
Reading Promise Week continued at Smith Playground which enabled us to reach out to the community to share our mission and our commitment to making quality, structured literacy tutoring financially accessible for all. It was a fun afternoon of free books, good food, resources, and family fun! If you missed the Read with Me Book Fest, be sure to mark your calendar for next year!
It’s Booktober! And This List is All Treats – No Tricks!
In Recognition of Dyslexia Month:
by Patricia Polacco
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K-Gr. 3
From kindergarten on, Trisha gets attention because she can draw; but she hides the fact that she can’t read — all she sees on the page are “wiggling shapes” — until her fifth-grade teacher discovers Trisha’s problem, gets her special help, and sets her free.

by Diane Burton Robb
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 K-Gr. 2
“When Adam was little, he loved to sink into his mother’s warm lap and listen to her read.” Once Adam enters school, his love of books becomes a daily battle that he truly believes he cannot win. It isn’t until third grade that Adam, now suffering from low self-esteem and engaging in aggressive behaviors, is tested for a learning disability and receives the specialized help he needs.
by Vanita Oelschlager
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K-Gr. 3
Knees tells the story of Louis the Third, a young boy who suffers from dyslexia. It provides an insight into the kind of problems dyslexic kids face everyday. 
The story focuses on perseverance and finding “your thing” which can boost self-esteem and then make one feel more able to succeed in areas like reading.

by Alice Hemming
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 K – Gr. 3
A confused squirrel overreacts to the falling autumn leaves. Relaxing on a tree branch, Squirrel admires the red, gold, and orange leaves. Suddenly Squirrel screams, “One of my leaves is…MISSING!” Squirrel’s wildly dramatic, misguided, and hyper-possessive reaction to a routine seasonal event becomes a rib-tickling farce.
Welcoming the Fall Season:

by Matthew Farina
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K – Gr. 3
Lawrence the fox accompanies his father into the forest to collect something to take to his school show-and-tell, and while briefly lost and alone, Lawrence encounters the beauty of nature and finds exactly what he needs.
by Lucille Colandro
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K – Gr. 5
That Old Lady is ready for a major comeback, but she may need a doctor or a rake! We all have a lot to learn in life, and sometimes skills we wish we had are just not there…yet. A book about perseverance and having faith in yourself.
by Katy Hudson
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K – Gr. 3 
Squirrel is the fastest creature in the forest. For eight years, she has run away with the biggest prize of all, the huge Golden Acorn. When it’s announced that this year, the race must be done in teams, Squirrel has to recruit her friends. Squirrel struggles to get them into shape. When the race begins, Squirrel shoots ahead, while her teammates stumble, slip, and get stuck along the way. When she reaches the Acorn ahead of them, she has a difficult decision to make.
For Halloween Fans:
by Jory John
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K – Gr. 3
When Bad Seed cannot find an amazing costume for Halloween night, he postpones trick-or-treating for everyone else until he finds the perfect one. Hillarious, charming and interesting!
by Bethany Barton
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K – Gr. 3
This book will help you see these amazing arachnids in a whole new light, from their awesomely excessive eight eyes to the seventy-five pounds of bugs a spider can eat in a single year. 
by Margaret McNamara
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K – Gr. 3
When Mr. Tiffin brings three pumpkins into class for a math and science lesson, all the children guess how many seeds are inside. Charlie, the smallest kid in class, feels frustrated: “All the best guesses are taken.” Then the class opens the pumpkins and counts the seeds. McNamara introduces the concepts of counting by twos, fives, and tens, and she includes pumpkin facts (the more lines on the pumpkin, the more seeds it will have). Charlie ends up with the correct guess and discovers that “small things can have a lot going on inside of them.
by Barbara Candini
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K – Gr. 3
Ghoulia lives in Crumbling Manor with her Auntie Departed and spends most of her time playing with Tragedy, her beloved albino greyhound. But things aren’t as easy as they seem for this little zombie girl–all she wants is a real friend. She tries to venture past the manor’s walls, but she can’t hide her pale green skin or the deep purple circles under her eyes. But during Halloween other children will be dressed up like monsters, so Ghoulia can go out into the town and
be herself.
by Andres Miedoso
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Gr. 3 – Gr. 6
Most kids spend their days without ever seeing or dealing with a ghost, but some kids get stuck with a haunt. When that happens, they call Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol. Desmond is the hall monitor of ghosts and monsters. There’s no job too spooky, icky, or risky for Desmond.
You Can Make a Difference
Reading Allowed participates in the United Way’s Donor Choice Program. Our Donor Code is 55108
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