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September 2023 Book Recommendations

It’s hard to believe that the summer’s over and it’s time to start a new school year.  It’s time to hang out with old friends and meet new friends, time for cool new school supplies and time to try something you’ve never tried before.  The books on this will remind you . . . 

  •  When something goes wrong in your life, just yell, “PLOT TWIST,” and move on. – Unknown
  • If plan A didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. – Unknown

You are allowed to scream. You are allowed to cry. But, you are not allowed to give up. – Unknown

Just in Case You Want to Fly book cover

Just in Case you Want to Fly by Julie Fogliano (Grades K-2)  

This story is a celebration of heading off on new adventures–and of knowing your loved ones will always have your back when you need them.

The Koala Who Could - book cover

The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright (Grades PK-1) 

Although he receives multiple invitations to join the other animals—wombats, dingoes, wallabies, kangaroos, and cassowaries—Kevin finds the ground frightening and prefers to stay aloft, “sticking to what he knew best.” When a bird pecks through the trunk of Kevin’s tree and it crashes to the ground, Kevin finds himself having to face his fears.

Be You! - book cover

Be You! By Peter H. Reynolds (Grades PK-2)

This picture book is a joyful celebration of individuality–and staying true to Y-O-U! Be curious… Be adventurous… Be brave… BE YOU! Discover a joyful reminder of the ways that every child is unique and special.

The Library Fish - book cover

The Library Fish by Alyssa Satin Capucilli (Grades Pre-K-3) 

When Mr. Hughes finds a fish all alone in the library and names her Library Fish, she knows she’s found her true home. But one day, everything outside is covered in snow and no one comes to the library. Will Library Fish be brave enough to venture outside her fishbowl for the very first time and explore the library she calls home?

Bravo, Avocado - book cover

Bravo, Avocado! By Chana Stiefel (Grades PK – 2) 

Avocado wants to stand out, but nothing seems to be working. With the help of her friends, she self-reflects and discovers that she was special all along.

Petra - book cover

Petra by Marianna Coppo (Grades PK – 2)

Petra believes she is a mountain–immovable and fearless–until a dog comes along and picks her up. Only then do we learn that she is simply a rock. When she is tossed into a nest, she becomes an egg, and imagines all an egg’s possibilities; she could be a dragon, a penguin, or even a platypus! By the end of the book, Petra, decides that being many different things is “not bad at all” and wonders what she will become next. This story is a wonderful lesson in perspective and finding the silver lining in situations beyond one’s control.

The Snurtch - book cover

The Snurtch by Sean Farrel (Grades PK-2) 

Ruthie has a problem at school.  It is not the students. It is not the classroom. It is not reading or writing or math. It is something scribbly, scrunchy, grabby, burpy, and rude. It is the Snurtch. This book explores the challenges of behaving and controlling your emotions—especially when your own personal monster keeps getting in the way.

This is Gus - book cover

This is Gus by Chris Chatterton (Grades PK-2) 

Gus doesn’t like much of anything: pets, walks, new friends, not even birthday parties!  But that all changes when he receives a puppy as a gift.

I Walk With Vanessa - a Story About a Simple Act of Kindness - book cover

I Walk With Vanessa: A Story About a Simple Act of Kindness by Kerascoet (Grades PK-2) 

New girl Vanessa becomes a bully’s target after school and finally runs home in tears. Another little girl sees it happen and is concerned enough to tell all of her friends, who also become concerned. The observant girl stays up late, worrying. The next morning she decides to go to Vanessa’s house and offer to walk her to school. Soon they’re joined by one more kid, then another, and another, until a smiling throng accompanies Vanessa to school, with the bully skulking away.

Out of the Blue book cover

Out of the Blue by Robert Tregoning (PK-2) 

In a very blue house, on a very blue street, in his very blue bedroom, sits a little boy who’s feeling very blue. He has a secret: he loves the color yellow. And in a world where only blue is allowed, he knows in his heart that loving a different color must be bad. Can the boy find the courage to share his true self with his dad? Can the world see the benefits of letting everyone love any color they want to?

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